Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

Getting To The Bottom Of Minimum WCAG-Conformant Interactive Element Size

Smashing Magazine

Eric, a Boston-based designer, discusses the guidelines for the size of interactive web elements, as per the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). According to the WCAG standards, the minimum size of an interactive element should be 24×24 pixels, outlined in Success Criterion 2.5.8. This criterion distinguishes from criterion 2.5.5, which suggests interactive elements should be 44×44 pixels, however, this guideline is typically aimed for highly specialized institutions. Eric emphasises that it's advisable that designers aim to exceed these guidelines, instead of merely adhering to them as padding can be used to extend the interactive area of an element. He warns not to make interactive buttons too large as they might mistakenly be activated. The perfect size must take into consideration the target users and usability context. Eric concludes that compliance does not always equate to usability but it certainly helps to set usability thresholds.

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