@astrojs/upgrade CLI tool

Astro 4.14


Astro's 4.14 release introduces the experimental Content Layer API, which enhances the management of content in Astro projects by building upon content collections and providing the ability to fetch content from anywhere, including remote APIs. It augments existing content collections and can be migrated to at the user's pace. In addition, this API is projected to dramatically improve content loading efficiency and the handling of local Markdown and MDX files, facilitating faster build speeds for sites with large numbers of pages. Astro 4.14 also brings support for Intellisense in content files, deprecates support for using dynamic values for the prerender option in Astro pages, and adds support for meta attributes in the Code component. Smaller improvements and bug fixes have also been included in this release. Astro users are invited to upgrade using the automated @astrojs/upgrade CLI tool.

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